VoseSimMoments | Vose Software


See also: VoseSimCofV, VoseSimCorrelation, VoseSimCVARp, VoseSimCVARx, VoseSimKurtosis, VoseSimMax, VoseSimMean, VoseSimMin, VoseSimMSE, VoseSimPercentile, VoseSimProbability, VoseSimMeanDeviation, VoseSimSemiStdev, VoseSimSemiVariance,  VoseSimSkewness, VoseSimStdev, VoseSimTable, VoseSimVariance, VoseSimCorelationMatrix, VoseSimValue

{=VoseSimMoments(Cell Reference, Simulation number)}



Example model

This 4x1 array function returns, in order, the mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of all simulated values generated in the defined cell.

Cell Reference - the cell for which the generated values are to be analyzed.

Simulation number – an index (1,2,3,…) referring to the simulation number. An optional parameter that is only required when one runs multiple simulations.

