VoseODE   | Vose Software


See also: Ordinary Differential Equation Tool, Ordinary Differential Equations

{=VoseODE(Name, ArrayEqns, BeginTime,StepTime, TimeStamps, VariableNames, InitialValues, PerturbatedVariables, PerturbatedValues, PerturbationTimes, ShowExtremum)}

This array function returns the values of the defined variables in a set of ordinary differential equations at a specific point or points in time.

The parameters are:

Name – a text entry, giving the set of equations a name for storage in the ODE library.

ArrayEqns – a cell range where the ODE equations are entered.

BeginTime – the time at which the system starts.

StepTime – the time increment that the function uses to approximate continuous changes. The smaller the time increment is set, the more accurate the results will be, but at the expense of a longer calculation time.

TimeStamps – the time (or times) at which values are required for the defined variables .

VariableNames – an array of names (in text) defining each variable.

InitialValues – an array of initial values for the defined variables. The array should be the same length as VariableNames.

PerturbatedVariables – an optional parameter listing the names of the variables that change value abruptly during the modeled period due to some shock. The names must appear exactly as defined in VariableNames.

PerturbatedValues – an optional parameter listing the new values of PerturbedVariables at the moment they change. Array must be of the same length as PerturbedVariables.

PerturbationTimes  - an optional parameter listing the points in time at which PerturbedVariables change to PerturbatedValues. Array must be of the same length as PerturbedVariables.

ShowExtremum - an optional Boolean parameter determining whether the function returns the smallest and largest values of each defined variable over the modeled period. Set to TRUE to show Extrema. Default is FALSE.

In this Example model, a missile is fired  from a platform at a certain angle and speed, and after 0.6 seconds is deflected so that it has a new horizontal and vertical speed. The model then returns the position and speed of the missile at four time stamps, as well as the minimum and maximum values obtained. In this example model the input parameters are given the same name as above to help you easily identify them.

In this model, there are four ODE variables, so the VoseODE array has a height of 4+1 (for the labels). There are four time stamps, and extrema are required, so the width is 1 (for labels) + 4 (for the 4 time stamps) + 4 (for extrema, always 4) = 9:


The VoseODE function is most easily implemented via its own interface . We recommend that you use this interface until you are very familiar with the function.

